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As a mom, do you ever feel that you are speaking in baby talk all day long? Do you wish you had other mothers to talk with? Spring Valley United Methodist Church (SVUMC) recognizes that it’s not always easy being a mother, so it created the Mission of Motherhood (MOM) program, which provides a bi-weekly time of fellowship for mothers to connect with one another and have some “me” time.

MOM was established to accomplish three main goals: equip mothers to be grounded, empowered and encouraged through God; provide “survival tips” for motherly trials; and take action to serve the community.

It is healthy for mothers to talk about their daily struggles and encourage one another through them, and MOM provides a safe, trusted and faith-based environment for mothers to talk woman-to-woman with others who are going through similar phases and experiences. One of the cornerstone philosophies of MOM is that laughter is often the best therapy.

In addition to support, MOM participants connect through service to the community. MOM partners with organizations, such as Ronald McDonald House, Parkland Hospital, Operation Christmas Child, Welcome Home a Hero and others to provide unifying and uplifting service opportunities for its members. MOM also sponsors evening and weekend mission projects that include the whole family.

SVUMC currently hosts MOM every other Monday from 10 a.m. - noon, and complimentary childcare is provided during meetings. To learn more about connecting with MOM, contact Shannon Vowell at or visit Spring Valley United Methodist Church is located at 7700 Spring Valley Rd. Dallas, TX 75254.