
“Our faith tradition teaches that our backyard is a very big place. It stretches all the way from Walnut Hill to West Africa. It includes not only anxiety over the one patient with Ebola in Dallas, but anguish for the many brothers and sisters in West Africa who have lost children and parents to this disease. This week serves as a humbling reminder that our humanity in Dallas, Texas, is inseparable from the humanity of the world. We have a very big backyard.”
– Brent Barry, Senior Pastor, NorthPark Presbyterian Church

On October 5 at 11 a.m. NorthPark Presbyterian Church will celebrate World Communion Sunday, a tradition in the Presbyterian Church since 1937. Join us as our African members lead our Peacemaking Offering and our Thai members serve lunch to the entire congregation following the worship service.

NorthPark Presbyterian Church is the closest church to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, where the one person known to have the Ebola virus is located. This Sunday at NorthPark, we will pray for Mr. Duncan and his family while hosting this special service at 11 a.m. to recognize our mutuality and interdependence with brothers and sisters in West Africa and across the world. NorthPark’s “World Communion Sunday” is celebrated in several special

Beginning with a greeting in multiple languages, each part of Sunday’s liturgy comes from around the globe. The Affirmation of Faith comes from The Maasai Creed composed in 1960 by the Maasai people of East Africa, where our church supports the Tumutumu Eye Clinic with mission volunteers and funding. We will serve communion in the four corners of the Sanctuary, representing the four corners of the world. Sunday’s music and sermon will reflect our
interdependence with those of other cultures.

NorthPark Presbyterian Church is located at 9555 N. Central Expressway, just south of Walnut Hill in Dallas. NorthPark spans a wide theological and political spectrum, celebrating differing points of view while finding our unity in Christ. 

Caitlin is a Baylor graduate with a degree in Journalism and Creative Writing. Before graduating from Baylor, Caitlin studied in London and completed a novella as part of the honors program. When Caitlin is not covering neighborhood news for BubbleLife, she enjoys writing, reading and drinking coffee. - Contact Caitlin at  
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