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Art instructor Sherry Houpt (L) with artist and mom

The art of 24 Shelton School students was featured at a private exhibit hosted by GlobeRunner on February 20th.  Eric McGehearty, founder of the Addison technology company, is a Shelton alumnus and artist.

McGehearty’s company regularly features and rotates art in the workplace -- a win-win for artists, employees, customers, friends and guests.  McGehearty, a dyslexic, often speaks of his spatial 3-D gift and how he has leveraged it throughout his life.  “Many dyslexics are highly creative artists and architects,” says McGehearty.  “Our brains process information differently, and we capitalize on that as a strength, not as a ‘disability.’ “

This is the second year for Shelton artists to be showcased at GlobeRunner.  “This is a great tradition for our talented artists,” says Shelton art instructor Sherry Houpt.  “It’s really fun to celebrate their gifts.”  Shelton is the world’s largest independent school for students who just happen to have a learning difference like dyslexia.  The school is on a mission to change the way the world thinks about learning differences.

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