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(L to R) Debra Robbins, Larry Robins with son Sam at senior event

Phil Romano was the featured speaker at Shelton’s annual senior luncheon on November 12.  Romano, a Dallas restaurateur, entrepreneur. investor and artist, engaged students and their parents on the topic of success. 

Romano told students, “My goal is to be MAD (making a difference) everyday, and I want you to be mad, too.” He challenged students to make a difference in their own lives first, and then in the lives of others.  Romano shared other personal tips for success --  “Take responsibility for your choices; have integrity; communicate effectively with everyone; and repeat whatever formula has brought you success thusfar.”  Romano’s cardinal rules?  “Have a good idea – that’s the first thing.  And figure out the things that are constitutional … those constants that you’re unwilling to change.”

On behalf of their class, senior class president Paige Warren and vice president Albert Perry presented Mr. Romano with a $500 donation to Hunger Busters, a not-for-profit organization founded by Romano and his wife.  Said Perry, “Thank you for sharing your experience with us.  We believe we are a group of highly creative students who have the potential to become successful like you.  Expect big things from us!”

The luncheon was sponsored by Shelton parents. 

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