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Cabell counselor Sandra Gonzales receives coats from Shelton's Joseph Wales

Shelton Chargers for Change Promote Attitude of Gratitude

Shelton School’s Chargers for Change (CfC) has been active with numerous recent projects that demonstrate their mission to make a difference in the world.  The Upper School organization, comprising 40 students, meets monthly to study the needs of local and global communities.  The group also focuses on how to identify and best support the work, financially and otherwise, of various organizations whose missions address these needs.  Working with the Dallas Foundation, students identify best practices of philanthropic support and target their activities accordingly.  Students research and select organizations to fund annually.

On Veterans Day, CfC held an assembly and expressed their thanks to staff and faculty veterans, who spoke to students about their respective tours of service.  Students also created a photo bulletin board of family veterans, living or deceased.  Cullen Kampine did an iMove compilng all the photos.

CfC also sponsored Gratitude Week through several Thanksgiving activities, including a Gratitude Graffiti Board on which students and teachers could post notes of gratitude.  Several members of CfC also visited with third-, fourth- and fifth-grade students during lunch and engaged them in conversation about the spirit of Thanksgiving.

CfC students collected new and gently used coats and blankets and delivered them to Dallas ISD’s Cabell Elementary School on November 25, for distribution to students in need of warm clothing.  Shelton partners with Cabell through the local non-profit Commit organization. 

CfC Officers for 2014-15 include:  Caroline Keehn (President), Christian Cole (Vice President), Grace Verges (Secretary) and Marilyn Cracken (Historian).  Board members include Cullen Kampine, Jennifer Sands, Esther Verges and Joseph Wales.  Judy Browne serves as faculty sponsor.

John and Carol Levy, parents of Shelton graduate Allen Levy, funded the Chargers for Change project through a grant to the Dallas Foundation.  The idea for the organization was sparked by Shelton graduate Barrett Cole, whose brother Christian is now a CfC officer.

Says Judy Browne, “Our next project, Feeling Stressed and What Will I Do, will be done during semester final exams.”  Students will post personal photos and positive strategies for coping with stress.

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