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Anna and Jim Paccone meet students in Studio 6 for kiln dedication

Shelton has recently purchased a new kiln for its art department.  The kiln was made possible through funds from the Alex Paccone Memorial Art Fund.  Alex, an eight-year  Shelton student who graduated in 2013, died a tragic and early death at age 20 in a car accident in 2015.  Her parents, Anna and Jim Paccone, requested that memorial donations be made to Shelton School for expansion of its art program.

On January 18th, a dedication of a new kiln took place in Art Studio 6.  Present were Anna and Jim Paccone, art instructors Mandy Dockweiler and Sherry Houpt, Director of Fine Arts Anné Hughes, and numerous others from central and Upper School administration.  Mrs. Dockweiler recounted Alex as a student with a keen interest in art.  She read from Alex’s student interest form, in which Alex wrote of her interest in photography and art classes. She also shared photos of two creative pieces by Alex, including one bearing the words, “We are infinite.”

Students in Studio 6 during the dedication spoke with the Paccones and other guests about their current art projects, including clay pieces that would be fired in the new kiln.

Alex was known for a big, vibrant personality that she shared wherever she went.  In her obituary, she was remembered as “lighting up any room with her beauty, energy and smile as she welcomed all to the activity.”  She is still lighting up the room at Shelton, especially in Studio 6.  The new kiln will be used by many students who share Alex’s love of art.

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