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The Warren Center, a nonprofit agency providing professional evaluations, therapy services and support to children and families impacted by developmental delays and disabilities, is proud to announce the 2022 slate of board members.

“We are beyond grateful to welcome our 2022 slate of board members,” said Amy Spawn, president and CEO of The Warren Center. “Each new member will provide our organization with a unique background and perspective, and we look forward to their expertise and guidance.”

  • Michael Andereck, investor and entrepreneur 
  • Joseph Hoffman, partner at Katten Muchin Roseman, LLP
  • Becky Horne, president at RBH Enterprises, LLC
  • Clete Madden, president at Health Systems and OIS Business Development 
  • Paulina Romon, vice president of operational excellence and human resources at Creative Realities, Inc. 
  • Lee Summers, president of Media and AdTech at Creative Realities, Inc. 

The Warren Center provides therapy and support for over 3,000 families every year. Each day, the need for services continues to grow. The CDC estimates one in six children have intellectual or physical disabilities or delays. In Dallas County alone, over 102,000 children have a developmental disability. The period between birth to five years is a time of rapid development. The earliest possible intervention is critical due to the accelerated brain development during these first years of life. Early childhood intervention programs have been shown to yield benefits in academic achievement, behavior, educational progression and attainment, and labor market success. The Warren Center provides physical therapy, speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, and social support needed to help children with disabilities reach their full potential.

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