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The Magdalen House, a nonprofit organization helping women achieve sobriety and sustain recovery from alcoholism at no cost and based on 12-Step spiritual principles,  is proud to announce that Nancy and Jack Zogg will serve as honorary chairs at this year’s Leave a Legacy “Live Loud and Free” concert held on November 3 at The Rustic. 

“Through their gracious gifts, Nancy and Jack Zogg have been integral to advancing the mission and realizing the vision of The Magdalen House. The couple generously gives both time and gifts in hopes of ensuring that the life-saving services provided by The Magdalen House are available to any alcoholic woman desperately seeking a transformed life,” says Director of Development at The Magdalen House, Kate Richter. “Nancy and Jack have funded portions of our First Step and Next Step programs, were generous contributors to the capital campaign to build the home on Gaston Avenue, and continuously invest their time to ensure The Magdalen House can meet the growing need for services within the Dallas-Fort Worth community. It is our privilege to honor Nancy and Jack Zogg as this year’s Leave a Legacy honorary chairs.”

Robin Bagwell will also be honored at this year’s Leave a Legacy event as the 2022 Paul Tate Advocate Award Recipient. Robin is a longtime supporter of The Magdalen House and has helped transform the lives of countless alcoholic women and their families throughout the greater Dallas-Fort Worth community. Bagwell generously supports many causes across the D/FW community, she has also supported a handful of other recovery initiatives, nonprofits, and events, including, but not limited to, Nexus, CARE, New Friends New Life, Recovery Resource Council, and the Dallas 24 Hour Club throughout the last twenty years. Robin values her own recovery and has been a part of a 12-Step fellowship for over 20 years. Service and fellowship are both essential to her recovery, and she finds purpose in helping others to live happy, joyous, and free. 

“The Magdalen House is infinitely grateful for Robin’s dedication to shattering the stigma surrounding the disease of alcoholism through her advocacy efforts,” says Richter.

The Paul Tate Advocate Award recognizes individuals who zealously advance awareness of The Magdalen House in the greater Dallas community. For over 20 years, Mr. Paul Tate has played an integral role in building The Magdalen House’s thriving community of recovered women and their families – one woman at a time. Mr. Tate has referred hundreds of women and their families to The Magdalen House, allowing them the opportunity to find clarity, hope, and joy in recovery, while promoting philanthropic efforts to keep the doors of The Magdalen House open and accessible for years to come.

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