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In a media environment with ever-increasing clutter, advertisers are consistently seeking message deliverers who can represent brands uniquely, with integrity and impact.

Many times, this falls squarely in the pocket of celebrity endorsement.  “Celebrity endorsement is when a famous person uses their notoriety to help sell a product or service. The benefits of using a celebrity for advertising are the ability to: Build brand equity, meaning brand power is acquired through the name recognition, which allows the company to achieve larger sales and profit,” says Amy Hall, President of the Barber Shop Marketing, based in Addison, Texas.

Celebrity endorsements are not without risk. Where there is a landscape of misfired partnerships including Kendall Jenner for Pepsi and Lance Armstrong for Nike, there are also successful campaigns with Dwyane Johnson for Under Armor and Reese Witherspoon for Crate & Barrel.

Hall continues, “The thinking, of course, is that hearing about a celebrity's personal connection to the product will somehow make their endorsement resonate. Here is Cowboys country, the weight of former Dallas Cowboys players, especially Hall of Famers, carries a particular weight to brands and potential customers alike.”

Enter Deion Sanders, storied sportsman and high-profile analyst with 14 seasons as a National Football League player under his belt.

“Deion is a beloved legend around the world and especially in Texas, where we are based,” says SIMPLY CROWNS, “While he’s delightful to work with, he’s also a straight-shooter. He tells it like it is. Which is in line with all of our messaging for Simply Crowns.”

The Team at the Barber Shop Marketing knew how important it was for Simply Crowns to have an authentic voice amplify the simple one-cost message of the brand with someone who has a strong voice both on-air and online.  Deion Sanders has more than one million Instagram followers that were tapped into by the distribution of this video, which has been viewed almost 100,000 times.  Additionally, 10 commercials were produced to support a mass media marketing campaign driven by authenticity and analytics.

(Commercials available for download HERE)

“At the end of the day, we are always looking to leverage influence to help position the brands we associate with. We also want to entertain and educate. This successful partnership fulfilled that missive,” concludes Hall.




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