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As the country and the entire world adapts to the new-normal developing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many couples may be forced to put fertility treatments on hold. This is troubling news for the millions of Americans who are facing fertility issues. Infertility impacts one in six couples, and researchers estimate that one in three cases is due to fertility problems with the male partner alone.

There are many myths about male fertility and the measures needed to help achieve a successful pregnancy. However, The American Pregnancy Association (APA), a national health organization committed to promoting reproductive and pregnancy wellness through education, support, advocacy and community awareness, want to help men support their reproductive health naturally with the following steps:


Regular exercise can boost testosterone levels and improve fertility. Studies show that men who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels and better semen quality than inactive men. Research has also proven that obesity is linked to reduced sperm quality in men. Activities you can do at home or close to home include yoga, tai chi, walking, or jogging.

Eat a balanced diet

Male fertility can be boosted by eating a healthy diet. A Mediterranean diet consisting of foods with lots of vegetables, fish, and polyunsaturated oils can lead to improved sperm health, including the shape of the sperm (morphology) and sperm movement (motility), and numbers of sperm. Choosing foods packed with antioxidants like walnuts, also boost fertility.

Consider taking fertility supplements  

Eating right is an excellent way to improve overall health and fertility, and the addition of dietary supplements can also help maintain a healthy lifestyle. With health concerns spreading around the world, it is perhaps more important than ever to take advantage of the immune-boosting benefits of nutrients like zinc and Vitamin C, as well as antioxidants like Vitamin E and CoQ10. Interestingly, many of the same nutrients that support the immune system also help fertility in both men and women by supporting egg quality and sperm health, including sperm count, motility, morphology and DNA integrity. When deciding what specific nutrients or multivitamin to take, men should look for a male fertility supplement that includes CoQ10, zinc and L-arginine, along with a healthy dose of vitamin B12, as these ingredients are some of the most well-known nutrients for supporting sperm health. 

The American Pregnancy Association recommends combining FH PRObiotic with FH PRO for Men and FH PRO Omega 3 for a well-rounded approach to fertility support. FH PRO for Men is an antioxidant-based fertility supplement with over 25 ingredients, highlighted by L-Carnitine Tartrate, CoQ10, Zinc and Lycopene. FH PRO Omega 3 includes DHA and EPA, essential fats that play a role in supporting the health of cell membranes, including sperm cells. FH PRObiotic is a once daily supplement with 6 unique probiotic strains of friendly bacteria to support reproductive health.

Avoid parabens, use a fertility-friendly lubricant 

Parabens are chemicals that have been used since the 1950s as preservatives to prevent the growth of bacteria in cosmetics, shampoos, lotions, and even lubricants. Known to be endocrine disrupters, parabens are sneaky in that they can mimic the activity of the hormone estrogen in the body’s cells, which may have implications for reproductive health and pregnancy wellness, as well as the health and development of a fetus. We’ve all been exposed to parabens and have to do our best to detox before conception and continue to avoid exposure to these chemicals during conception and pregnancy. When couples are trying to get pregnant, it is important to understand that all lubricants are not created equal, and couples need to be discerning when selecting a lubricant to use. Most everyday lubricants have a low pH and very high salt concentrations and are harmful to sperm. The class of lubricants specifically designated as fertility lubricants undergo specialized testing to ensure that they won’t harm sperm or eggs.

The American Pregnancy Association recommends using Fairhaven Health’s BabyDance Fertility Lubricant because it has a pH of ~7 and mimics the consistency of the cervical secretions, which can help the sperm to swim through the cervix to meet the egg for conception. BabyDance contains no parabens or ingredients that can be harmful to eggs or sperm. 

Get a good night's sleep

A recent study has proven that a lack of high-quality sleep can affect a man's fertility. The study published in the March 2018 journal on Fertility and Sterility analyzed the relationship between sleep duration and the ability to get pregnant among 1,176 couples trying to conceive. According to the study results, men who slept fewer than six hours per night on average had difficulties getting their partners pregnant. Men that slept less than six hours nightly had a 40 percent lower chance of getting their partner's pregnant than those who slept eight hours per night.

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