Jo Trizila
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Heroes and Handbags 10 Year Anniversary Celebratio

“Heroes and Handbags” Celebrates Ten Years Of Providing Financial and

 Social Assistance To Families With Children Who Are Battling Cancer


Heroes and Handbags, the unique fund-raising event that benefits Heroes For Children, celebrates ten years of providing financial and social assistance to families with children who are battling cancer with a one-time “Heroes and Handbags Gala” on March 28, 2015  at the Hilton Anatole Hotel.  “Heroes and Handbags” is an annual luncheon featuring handbags donated by celebrities and fashionable community leaders that benefits Heroes for Children.

Gala Chairs Jennifer Dix and Skye Brewer are planning an evening that includes a luxury handbag auction, surprise entertainment (as featured on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon), dinner and dancing.  A limited number of tables of ten are available, beginning at $5,000.  Civic leaders Tracy and Ben Lange are Honorary Chairmen.

“We want the anniversary to be a heartfelt celebration of the important services that Heroes for Children founders Larissa Linton and Jenny Dowen envisioned when they started the organization,” said Mrs. Dix.  “We also want to help the organization grow to serve more families who will face the debilitating effects of having a child with cancer,” she said.

For ten years, Heroes For Children has helped alleviate families’ worries, giving them comfort and a brief respite from the everyday challenges of cancer fighting and care giving.  Since 2004, more than $5 million has been given to 4,200 families in need.


Gala Fast Facts:


Beneficiary:  Heroes for Children

Date:          March 28, 2015
Time:                   6:00 –11:00 p.m.

Place:         Hilton Anatole Hotel, Chantilly Ballroom

Attire:          Cocktail

Format:       Cocktails, silent and live auctions, surprise entertainment, dinner and dancing

Tables:        $5,000 and above.  Visit

Chairs:        Jennifer Dix and Skye Brewer/Honorary Chairs Tracy and Ben Lange

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