The Cambridge School of Dallas
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Pictured (L toR): Seniors Johnson Thweatt, Kira McBride, Caroline Kirchen and Shawn Ervin have been named semi-finalists for the Texas Christian Athlete of the Year Award.

Four Cambridge School of Dallas students were recently named semi-finalists for the 26th Annual Texas Christian Athlete of the Year Award.  Seniors Shawn Ervin, Caroline Kirchen, Kira  McBride and Johnson Thweatt were selected from over 4000 applicants, from over 1300 schools.  The award is sponsored by Lay Witnesses for Christ, an international sports ministry.  On March 16, 2015, the 75 male and 75 female semi-finalists will be honored at an awards luncheon at the DFW Airport Marriott in Irving, Texas.  Each year at the luncheon, Olympians and sports legends will come together to celebrate Texas’ Christian high school athletes who demonstrate integrity, character and commitment to their team, their education, and their Christian faith.  Ten finalists will be named at the luncheon, along with male and female winners.  Other special awards, including the Carl Lewis Inspiration Award, the Richard Bucknor Maximizing Your Potential Award, the Lewis Johnson Paying It Forward Award, Coach of the Year will also be presented. 

Many former nominees and winners have gone on to do great things in their respective sports in college, professionally, and in the Olympics, while others have used the encouragement they received through this award to go on mission trips or start philanthropic non-profits.

According to Dr. Sam Mings, the Executive Director and Co-founder of Lay Witnesses for Christ International, in at least the past ten years, no other school besides The Cambridge School of Dallas has had so many semi-finalists selected from among the 4000 students nominated for the award.

The Cambridge School of Dallas is a Christ-centered, Classical, College-preparatory school (grades 6-12) whose mission is "Academic Discipleship: Fostering a Love of Learning with a Passion for Jesus Christ." - Contact The Cambridge School at  
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