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Young Family Hanukkah Service at Temple Shalom- Huge Success!


Saturday, December 24, marked the first night of Hanukkah. Temple Shalom members joined together in the Epstein Chapel to celebrate this joyous occasion together.  The first annual Young Family Hanukkah Service was a huge hit and very well attended! Rabbi Ariel Boxman and Ray Farris led the Shabbat Service. Before the service began, Rabbi Boxman explained "this is your space, please know that all voices are joyous and should be celebrated.

Don't think you have to shush the little ones." Boxman pointed out that there's a mat in the back of the chapel for babies to crawl and a small table for kids to color. "This service is for children of all ages. This is your home!"  

The service definitely included something for all ages. The traditional prayers were sung, a piece of Talmud was taught, and all the kids favorite Hanukkah songs were also included. "We had to include the kid's favorites like There's A Dinosaur Knocking on my door, Dreidel, Dreidel, and Oh Hanukkah" exclaimed Ray Farris. With guitar in hand, he led the congregation in song. They danced through the aisles and  twirled like dreidels while shaking musical eggs and tambourines.  

The service concluded with home-made challah and grape juice and then members enjoyed a delicious Kiddush reception complete with, breakfast pizza, cupcakes, fruit and of course jelly donuts and latkes. This was a fabulous way for families to begin their Hanukkah celebrations.

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