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Featured Guest Julie Silver with Sisterhood 50th Anniversary Committee (not pictured Dawn Kaufman) Left to right Gail Davidson, Ali Rhodes, Julie Silver, Cantor Devorah Avery, Lonna Rae Silverman, Robyn Young

Temple Shalom Sisterhood Celebrates 50th Anniversary


Temple Shalom Sisterhood celebrated their 50th anniversary on Saturday, August 6th with a day-long celebration of prayer and song.  The day began with a Shabbat service led by Cantor Devorah Avery and contemporary singer-songwriter Julie Silver.  Sisterhood’s founding members were honored during the service, as well as past-presidents and past women of valor.  At the luncheon, Co-Presidents Ali Rhodes and Lonna Rae Silverman welcomed their guests by reading a personal tribute from Sisterhood’s first president Pat Weiss, and then awarded five lucky Sisterhood members door prizes for fine dining and overnight hotel stays. The celebration concluded with a Havdalah service and free community concert.  Julie serenaded the crowd, accompanied by Scott Lavender on piano, with a medley of traditional liturgies and original songs.  “Julie touched our hearts with her warmth and words”, exclaimed Ali Rhodes. “We will carry her spirit with us as we look forward to the next 50 years!”