Diane Feffer


This Sunday Michael Weisberg, M.D.  will reflect on medicine, his 24 years as a Gastroenterologist in Plano and the changes he has seen in the concept of doctor-patient relationships.  He has channeled both his experience and creative writing talent into the newly released novel, The Hospitalist.  

Q. Why did you write The Hospitalist?

MW.  First of all, I’ve written all my life.  My hobby and passion has always been writing.  I came across a problem in medicine that I felt no one was talking about or addressing; that when you became sick, your doctor no longer took care of you.  The doctor who had taken care of you for 5, 10 or 15 years was willing to take care of you as long as you were well.  However, once you were sick and went to the hospital, a whole new set of doctors took care of you. They were called ‘the hospitalists.’  These doctors didn’t know you or have any history of taking care of you.  Most of the time, things went well.  Doctors in America do a good job overall.  However, at times in the absence of having any history with a patient or not knowing the family’s wishes for the patient, disaster could strike.  Someone needed to write a book to illustrate how the art of medicine has become the business of medicine in the 21st century.

 Q.  What do you think is a key takeaway from your novel?

 MW. “When you go to the hospital, it’s best to have an advocate with you - someone in the family or close friend that can be with you.  That person knows that your medication list has been given correctly, that you are seeing the proper doctors and that things are progressing the way they should.   

Quick Recap: 

This Sunday, February 7th  

2:00 pm - community room within Half Price Books flagship store located at 5803 E Northwest Hwy, Dallas, TX 75231

Complimentary and open to the public. 

Questions?  Contact Diane Feffer at 972-670-7078

View Dr. Weisberg's short YouTube below to get a feel for his speaking style and message.  


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