Diane Feffer
Documentary & Discussion: Fentanyl Factor



Central Standard Time



Allen Public Library
300 N. Allen Drive
Allen, Texas 75013

Texas A&M University Health Science Center reports that between June 2019 and May 2020, our state recorded a more than 50% increase in synthetic opioid deaths, primarily driven by ‘illicitly manufactured fentanyl.’ 

Attend a live discussion with local experts and expand your knowledge on how fentanyl poisoning has impacted North Texas. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and loved ones. Our discussion starts at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, January 27 at the Allen Public Library  inside their spacious Civic Auditorium. The program is free and open to the public.  The short discussion will be paired with an 18 minute documentary, titled Fentanyl Factor , which highlights the alarming increase of accidental overdose deaths due to the mixing or 'lacing' of fentanyl with other substances such as heroin, cocaine, and counterfeit prescription pills. The short documentary also features an interview with a Forensic Scientist inside the lab where real and counterfeit drugs are tested. 

Note: Three licensed counselors along with Lieutenant Darrin Whitman and Officer John Booth of Allen Police Department will join our discussion regarding the growth of fentanyl poisoning in Allen and Collin County. Lt. Whitman is a Drug Recognition Expert instructor (DRE), which includes courses for law enforcement officers, teachers, counselors, school nurses, and school administrators. Officer Booth serves a Student Resource Officer (SRO) at the Allen High School and is on the Allen ISD Threat Assessment team. 

Film and discussion are appropriate for both parents and teens. 

1 CEU available onsite to licensed professional counselors. 

With appreciation to Allen Public Library,  Allen Police DepartmentStarlite Recovery Stonegate Center and Recovery Resource Council


The panel discussion will be presented live both in person and virtually via  Submit questions until 8 p.m. that evening through  In-person attendance is limited to 150 which is half of the total seating available. This spaces people out in a socially-distant manner. 

No registration is required to attend. Admittance is first come, first served.

After the panel discussion, in-person attendees will have the opportunity to view the short documentary film, Fentanyl Factor.

Questions? contact 

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