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Co-chair Dawn Kaufman, Jay Gormley, Gina Miller, Jack Fink, Co-Chair Allison Harding and Sisterhood VP Robyn Klein



Temple Shalom Sisterhood's Meet the Press Event, held on January 17th, brought together Dallas' finest news and sports personalities, past and present. Guests were able to meet and schmooze with lifelong sportscaster Gina Miller, CBS investigative reporter Jack Fink, and former CBS award-winning journalist Jay Gormley. Their first-hand heartwarming stories about politics, sports, and the reality of life as a newscaster entertained and enlightened the audience of Sisterhood and Brotherhood members. The highlight of the evening was the announcement of Temple Shalom's Sisterhood's 2017 Woman of Valor.  That honor was awarded to Keo Strull, Sisterhood's Past-President, and an active volunteer who works tirelessly for Temple Shalom and the community.  Keo has taken on every volunteer role imaginable. From sponsor and volunteer for Southwest Jewish Congress, Temple Shalom Golf Tournament to the  JCC Maccabi Games to designing chopped liver into themed shapes for various Oneg Shabbats, Keo does it all! There will be a celebration in Keo's honor on Saturday, April 29, 2017. Watch for details coming soon at

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